Cardiac Care

About The Program

The heart is the powerhouse of our body, pumping oxygen rich blood to every cell and organ. As the heart’s health is essential for survival, maintaining a well-balanced lifestyle and avoiding potential harm is crucial. Whether you are seeking to manage an existing cardiovascular condition, recovering from a heart attack or cardiac failure, undergoing procedures like stenting or bypass, or looking to prevent issues like high blood pressure and triglycerides, our Cardiovascular Rehab Program offers comprehensive support and guidance.

Senior Team

Program Description

Our team of nutritionists and doctors work together to create a personalized plan customized to your individual needs, considering your health history, workout schedules, lifestyle, medical reports, and health goals.

Food Plans and cleanse plans will be planned according to the case.

Our online chat support is available from Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. IST. Different timezones will be coached accordingly.

Weekends and Public Holidays may affect the working.

Program Inclusions

At the beginning and end of the program, a nutritionist will connect with you face to face or via video call.

1 one-on-one posture correction session will be conducted.

Fitness counselling with Yoga therapist.

Yoga sessions will be conducted.

A brief follow up call will be conducted by the nutritionist to track progress once a week.

The head of the team will be connecting with you to understand the goals and improvements.

Every week, the head of our team reviews and discusses your case, progress, and future course of action.

An online support group will be created to resolve queries and track progress.

Junior Team

Program Description

Our team of nutritionists and doctors work together to create a personalized plan customized to your individual needs, considering your health history, workout schedules, lifestyle, medical reports, and health goals.

Food Plans and cleanse plans will be planned according to the case.

Our online chat support is available from Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. IST. Different timezones will be coached accordingly.

Weekends and Public Holidays may affect the working.

Program Inclusions

At the beginning of the program, a nutritionist will connect with you face to face or via video call.

1 one-on-one posture correction session will be conducted.

Fitness counselling with Yoga therapist.

Yoga sessions will be conducted.

A brief follow up call will be conducted by the nutritionist to track progress, once in 2 weeks.

The head of our team reviews and discusses your case, progress, and future course of action, biweekly.

An online support group will be created to resolve queries and track progress.


Want to know more?

WhatsApp us on +91 993 010 0965 or simply contact us

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