Our Special

Teacher Training Course

Whether you’re passionate about becoming a yoga teacher or seeking to deepen your personal practice, our training course offers a transformative journey of self-discovery and professional development.

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Our 500-Hour Teacher Training Course

Namaste! Our 500-Hour Teacher Training Course is a comprehensive program designed to provide aspiring yoga teachers with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to lead safe, effective, and inspiring yoga classes. Whether you’re passionate about becoming a yoga teacher or seeking to deepen your personal practice, our 500-hour training course offers a transformative journey of self-discovery and professional development.

Course Duration: Our 500-Hour Teacher Training Course typically spans over 3 months, depending on the schedule and format of the program. It includes a combination of in-person or virtual classroom sessions, self-study, practice teaching opportunities, and practical assessments.

Curriculum Overview: Our curriculum covers a wide range of topics to provide you with a solid foundation in yoga philosophy, anatomy, asana (poses), sequencing, teaching methodology, pranayama (breathing techniques), meditation, and more. Here is an overview of the key components

Yoga Philosophy and History: Delve into the ancient yogic texts, explore the eight limbs of yoga, and gain insights into the philosophy and spirituality that underpin the practice.

Asana Study and Alignment: Deepen your understanding of foundational yoga poses, their alignment principles, and modifications. Learn how to safely guide students through asanas, ensuring proper alignment and injury prevention.

Teaching Methodology: Explore the art of effective teaching, including class sequencing, cueing, demonstration, and hands-on adjustments. Develop your unique teaching style and learn to create inclusive, supportive, and inspiring class environments.

Anatomy and Physiology: Understand the physical and energetic aspects of the human body in relation to yoga practice. Explore anatomy specific to yoga, including the musculoskeletal system, breath mechanics, and subtle energy pathways.

Pranayama and Meditation: Learn and practice various pranayama techniques and meditation methods to cultivate breath awareness, deepen concentration, and promote mindfulness.

Ethics and Professionalism: Explore the ethical principles and guidelines that guide yoga teachers. Learn about professional responsibilities, maintaining boundaries, and creating a safe and inclusive space for students.

Practice Teaching and Feedback: Gain hands-on teaching experience by leading small group sessions and receiving constructive feedback from instructors and peers. Develop confidence, refine your teaching skills, and discover your unique teaching voice.

Business and Marketing: If you’re interested in teaching yoga professionally, we provide insights on setting up your yoga business, marketing strategies, and creating a sustainable career as a yoga teacher.

Certification: Upon successful completion of the 500-hour training course, you will receive a certificate that qualifies you to and start teaching yoga to kids and healthy individuals

Prerequisites: Our 500-hour teacher training course is open to students of all levels. While prior yoga experience is beneficial, a sincere passion for yoga and a commitment to personal growth and learning are essential.

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